Benefits of Using Artificial Grass in Rancho Santa Fe

A beautifully manicured lawn offers many aesthetic benefits, but may come at a high cost for many homeowners. Either you pay in dollars and cents, as well as time and effort to keep your lawn in top condition year round. One option to have a beautiful lawn and keep your money too is with artificial grass Rancho Santa Fe.

Places to Use Artificial Grass Rancho Santa Fe

Fortunately, you can be proud of your home without having a green thumb to keep it well-manicured. However, the lawn is not the only place for this turf. The lawn is not the only place for this turf. You can install artificial grass in a variety of areas, including:

• Rooftop gardens
• Putting greens
• Areas where it is very difficult to grow real grass
• Where your small pets prefer to play – and you need it to be an easy cleaning job
• Anywhere you want a reduced carbon footprint

Benefits of Using Artificial Grass

Reduce your water bill. Given the rise in water rates and California’s ongoing drought, a lower water bill might be the only convincing reason you need to have artificial grass installed. This type of turf does not require water, which make it an ideal solution in the state’s sprinkler ban areas. The use of water meters also makes this a cost-saving part of your landscape.

Low maintenance. This artificial grass Rancho Santa Fe never requires the normal upkeep of natural grass such as watering, mowing and trimming. Light maintenance keeps you from spending hours outside and longer months waiting for the grass to grow. Periodically brushing, especially if you have a lot of foot traffic, helps to restore its original appearance.

When it does rain in southern California, this becomes the best – and cheapest – way to clean your artificial grass. Absent the rain, a quick spritz with a water hose removes dust or pollen, which still saves precious time.

Natural-looking for a well-manicured lawn without the work. There are varieties of artificial grass where it is nearly impossible to tell your lawn is not real. Only a close inspection may reveal the truth, but who has time to do that?

In the meantime, you can enjoy the aesthetics of grass. Some styles may have brown blades blended into the green for a more natural look. There are others and if you are unsure which one is appropriate for your home, ask a professional to make a recommendation. Whether you want the DIY experience, or you need a professional to suggest the best artificial grass Rancho Santa Fe, you will not be displeased with the final choice.

Contact ProLawn Turf at 877-405-5296 and you will appreciate your lawn and love where you live!

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