How You Know it’s Time for Artificial Turf

It’s a big decision. Deciding on whether to make the switch to artificial turf could be a difficult decision to make, but how do you know when you’re really ready? When is the best time to make the switch? How do you know it’s time for artificial turf?

Well it’s simple. As soon as you start questioning if it’s time, that means it’s time. All the maintenance required for keeping a yard looking its best is worth the switch in itself. You know you’re ready when you can’t even enjoy your yard. If you come home and hate looking at your yard, you know it’s time for artificial turf.

With the constant weather and season changes in Southern California, artificial turf is the thing that will be guaranteed to last year-round. Real grass will die during summer and turn an ugly brown color. When a drought hits, real grass is very expensive and hard to maintain. During the summer heat, other alternatives to a drought friendly yard instead of artificial turf might seem like a great idea initially. A lot of homeowners will turn to decomposed granite (D.G.), wood chips, rocks, tons of plants, etc. as a drought friendly alternative to artificial turf. This may seem great for summer, but for winter and spring, it’s a wet mess! It’s hard to enjoy your yard when you can’t even step on it because it will track mud into your home. Plants will die from being over-watered and the D.G. and other materials will ruin the look and function of your yard when the rain hits. Not to mention you’ll never want to let your dogs out to go to the bathroom when it starts to rain because they will track in a huge mess and you’ll have to wash them down every time they come back inside.

It seems like the only logical solution to a great, functional and beautiful yard year- round is to get artificial turf. If you’re constantly frustrated with your yard, it’s time for artificial turf. The best time to get your artificial turf is anytime of the year. It’s never too late or too early to have a yard you can actually enjoy. Call us for a free estimate today at 877-405-5296 to make the switch! Start enjoying your yard year-round!

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