The Difference Between Face Weight and Total Weight

The Difference Between Face Weight and Total Weight

What’s the difference between face weight and total weight? What is face weight? These are questions that most people ask when they are new to the world of artificial turf and are exploring their options. When an artificial turf company shows you their samples of the artificial turf they supply, they’ll most likely describe their turf and note it as how much it weighs. Typically, the more an artificial turf products weighs, the more it will cost for obvious reasons. However, what weight are they giving you to justify their pricing? Are they giving you the face weight or the total weight? If you’re comparing estimates from other companies, are you comparing apples to apples? By this we mean, are you comparing face weight to face weight, or face weight to total weight? These are two different things, and it’s important to understand why you should know the face weight, not the total weight of an artificial turf product.

What’s the difference?

A lot of companies will just give you a weight for their artificial turf but won’t tell you if that’s the face weight or the total weight. Always be sure to ask them! There is a difference, and you don’t want to be mislead or taken advantage of for not knowing the difference.

Face Weight

Face weight is the weight of the fibers used to manufacture the artificial turf pile, but does not include the weight of the backing.

Total Weight

The total weight includes both the weight of the artificial turf backing and the fiber face weight.

Face weight is more important than total weight because it doesn’t really matter how much the backing weighs when you’re looking for a full-looking, durable artificial turf product. If you want more of a lush, full look to your lawn, then you’ll want to focus on the face weight, not the total weight. The heavier the face weight means the more durable and fuller it will be. A lot of people will consider this to be better quality.

Contact Us:

When comparing artificial turf from different companies, be sure to compare the face weight, not the total weight to be sure that you’re comparing apples to apples. If one product looks fuller than the other, then the face weight is probably not actually the same. Let the sales representative know that you know the difference.To request a free estimate for installing artificial turf, please contact us at 877-405-LAWN.

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