Conserve Money and Resources With Fake Grass in San Diego

As the drought continues on for another year, Southern California is seeing the effects with brown lawns and expensive water prices. In fact, many neighborhoods have rationing rules where lawns can only be watered on certain days and during specific times. San Diego is no exception to the drought problems either. If you’re concerned about water conservation and your monthly bills, it’s time to seriously consider fake grass in San Diego. You’ll notice many benefits with this project completed in your front or backyard.

Fake Grass – One-Time Investment

If you’ve ever had any landscaping work performed at your property, you know that it can be quite an investment. A major concern is often if the plants will thrive in your soil or climate. It’s possible to lose your investment if the plants die off at a rapid pace. With fake grass in San Diego, however, you have a guaranteed investment that only requires one transaction. Experienced professionals can easily arrange the turf, and you simply enjoy the benefits afterward.

Minimal Maintenance with Fake Grass

turf stackSoil maintenance, watering and other lawn tasks are no longer necessary. Your imitation grass only requires a minimal-care regimen. Sweep the turf in order to remove dirt, debris and leaves. You might have minor repairs to perform in some cases. However, the bulk of your yard chores are instantly extinguished. You can concentrate on a small garden that doesn’t need a lot of water for its upkeep, such as vegetable projects that produce food.

Fake Grass Government Incentives

Because the drought is so severe in Southern California, the state and cities will often create monetary incentives that encourage imitation-grass purchases. Take a look at your local laws in order to develop a clever replacement plan. You may only be required to pay for part of the purchase while the government pays the balance. These incentives will usually change from year to year so be sure to look at the most current information available.

The Grand Picture – a Pro Lawn

Your main goal with the new turf is usually financial savings, but also look at the bigger picture. Imitation grass doesn’t require any water, which conserves this resource for other uses around the state. Municipal water supplies are always needed, and your contribution can be significant to the cause. When the state is finally out of the drought period, you’ll still contribute to water conservation. It might be possible to avoid further drought as more people conserve water as an everyday habit.

The best way to start your fake grass in San Diego is by calling the professionals. ProLawn Turf has been in business since 1999, and these experts want to give you a spectacular lawn. Give them a call at 1-877-405-LAWN so that you can love where you live!

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