The San Diego Artificial Grass Installer You Can Trust

California’s Drought Has Led To Regulations Concerning Water Usage

If you are seeking a knowledgeable San Diego artificial grass installer for a commercial or residential property, then contact a company that has been in business since 1999. Many homeowners and business managers are choosing to install artificial turf because of the lack of rain in California that is leading to increased water rates. Global warming has led to changes in California’s climate with a long-term drought that has caused several cities to restrict water usage for nonessential purposes such as irrigating the grass on lawns. In some regions of the state, residents are only permitted to water lawns for a few minutes on particular days of the week.

Modern Artificial Grass Looks Attractive

A san diego artificial grass installer can create attractive landscaping that remains green without an irrigation system or daily watering. You do not need to have a lawn that is covered with brown and dry grass because there are experts who can measure a property to give you an estimate concerning the cost of artificial turf and its installation. Modern artificial turf does not look fake, and it is suitable for family pets, sport activities or relaxing outside. The installation of artificial turf can help to maintain your property’s value on the real estate market by maintaining its curb appeal to anyone passing by.

Professionals Can Install Artificial Grass Quickly

When you hire a professional artificial grass installer for your property, they can remove the current turf to place the new material as quickly as possible. This is because they have the best equipment and technicians to complete the job without damaging a building’s exterior or a property’s outbuildings, fences or walkways. You can choose to have an entire lawn covered with artificial grass, or the landscaping technicians can leave sections bare in order to plant trees, shrubbery or flowers. With an artificial grass installation, it is still possible to have landscaping that looks unique.

How to Hire a San Diego Artificial Grass Installer

Prolawn Turf in Murrieta, Calif., has developed an excellent reputation for installing high-quality artificial grass at private residences, businesses and public venues. Several previous customers can provide personal references concerning the installation of artificial grass at their properties. When in drought, turf it out is this company’s favorite slogan, and the artificial grass that is installed by Prolawn Turf’s technicians has these qualities:

• 100 percent recyclable materials
• Safe for family pets to walk and play on
• Strong engineered fibers
• Made with heat reduction technology
• Low to no shine appearance
• 100 percent water permeable backing

Call Prolawn Turf today at 1-877-405-5296 to schedule an appointment to learn more about our San Diego artificial grass installation.

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