New Artificial Grass Installation Rebates Available!

New financial incentives are available for homeowners who want to replace water-hungry lawns with more efficient landscaping, the San Diego County Water Authority announced Wednesday.

The agency has $500,000 available from grants awarded by the state Department of Water Resources, and an upcoming grant is expected to add another $600,000.

Qualified applicants can receive up to $1.75 per square foot toward eligible project costs for upgrading 500 to 3,000 square feet of existing turf areas, according to the Water Authority.

A possible solution is to take advantage of artificial grass installation rebates.

Using lower levels of water lessens that amount to approximately $1.91 per month; high use customers could pay $16.31 per month. The use of artificial grass, also known as turf grass, to replace natural grass could help homeowners qualify for these rebates. Not only does this discount the cost of dealing with the drought, but this type of lawn may prove easier to maintain over time.

How to Qualify for Artificial Grass Rebates

Before jumping into any lawn replacement project, it is crucial to read the requirements to ensure you are following the documentation process correctly. Essentially, the basic requirements entail:
artificial grass rebates
• Making sure your lawn is alive. An area that is dead or filled with dirt does not qualify.
• Meeting the terms and conditions of the city where you live.
• Not replacing the lawn with turf-like plants or living turf.
• Not breaking the law while project is underway.
• Not having received a turf removal rebate in the past.

Reserving the Rebate Amount

Before you begin the project of replacing your natural lawn with an artificial one, you must submit an application. Color photos of your existing turf and a copy of your water bill are required. Completing the project should take no longer than 120 days.

Artificial grass rebates are issued based on a preapproved amount. This way, you will know in advance how much you will receive. Funds are reserved on your behalf.

Applying for the Artificial Grass Installation Rebates

In addition to submitting lawn photos and a water bill, you will also need to include documented list of plants from four different sources: Nifty 50 Plants for WaterSmart Landscapes, Water Use Classification of Landscape Species Reference, A Homeowner’s Guide to a WaterSmart Landscape and the 2010 Edition UC Davis Arboretum All-Stars Brochure.

If either of these lists does not feature a plant under consideration for your project, you will need a separate approval. In addition, as a homeowner, you will need to complete a one-hour online training course.

Keep in mind that you should not begin the project until you have received approval for a rebate.

Final Steps to Consider

Include a water bill along with color pictures after the project is complete and expect to get a response within four or five weeks. Working with a contractor like Prolawn Turf guarantees that everything necessary to receive artificial grass installation rebates is completed correctly.

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