San Diego Artificial Grass Rebate Program

The San Diego Water County Authority announced Wednesday that it will have another round of incentives for water-friendly landscaping. The agency has $500,000 available from grants awarded by the state Department of Water Resources, and an upcoming grant is expected to add another $600,000. This is a huge incentive for residents to take part in the San Diego Artificial Grass Rebate Program to cut down water usage during the drought.

According to the San Diego County Water Authority, qualified applicants can receive up to $1.75 per square foot toward eligible project costs for upgrading 500 to 3,000 square feet of existing turf areas.

Take Advantage of the San Diego Artificial Grass Rebate Program NOW!

Act Now and get a Free Estimate from Prolawn Turf, Funding for incentives is limited, and will be reserved for completed and approved applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Money from previous incentive programs dried up quickly and if you’ve already missed this round, it’s best to have your project pre-approved for the next round of funding that is expected to come shortly.

Proper Planning to Take Advantage

For those who are interested in participating, they must be ratepayers within the service areas of the San Diego County Water Authority or the California-American Water Co., and must not remove their turf grass before receiving an official “Notice to Proceed” from the program.

The San Diego Sustainable Landscapes Program offers $1.75 per square foot for qualified applicants who replace water-intensive turf grass with landscaping that provides several environmental benefits. Eligible projects must include rainwater capture and detention, soil enhancements, climate-appropriate plants, water-efficient irrigation methods and are subject to site inspections.

The San Diego Sustainable Landscapes Program is designed to advance resource efficiency in urban landscapes by emphasizing water conservation and stormwater management. Proposition 84 grants from the California Department of Water Resources are funding a limited number of incentives to promote residential landscape upgrades in the San Diego County Water Authority’s service area.

How Prolawn Can Help with your San Diego Artificial Grass Rebate Program

When you hire a professional artificial grass installer for your property, they can remove the current turf to place the new material as quickly as possible. This is because they have the best equipment and technicians to complete the job without damaging a building’s exterior or a property’s outbuildings, fences or walkways. You can choose to have an entire lawn covered with artificial grass, or the landscaping technicians can leave sections bare in order to plant drought friendly trees, shrubbery or flowers. With an artificial grass installation, it is still possible to have landscaping that looks unique and meets the requirements for the rebate program.

Many homeowners and business managers are choosing to install artificial turf because of the lack of rain in California that is leading to increased water rates. Global warming has led to changes in California’s climate with a long-term drought that has caused several cities to restrict water usage for nonessential purposes such as irrigating the grass on lawns. In some regions of the county, residents are only permitted to water lawns for a few minutes on particular days of the week.

Call Prolawn Turf today at 1-877-405-5296 to schedule an appointment to learn more about the San Diego artificial grass rebate program.

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